
连载中 | 1970年月

  Eric Braeden stars as Dr. Charles Forbin, who has created a supercomputer named Colossus, built solely for the purpose of controlling the nuclear defenses of the Western alliance. It isn't too long after, however, that the Russians announce that they too have built a similar computer for those same purposes on their side--Guardian. And when the two machines begin sharing information at a speed nobody can believe, an attempt is made to disable them.
  This unfortunately just raises the machines' ire; and in retaliation, they launch their weapons at each other's home nations. The result is a chilling scenario that is potentially becoming all too real these days.
  COLOSSUS: THE FORBIN PROJECT was not a big hit at the box office for various reasons. One is that its cast wasn't exactly well known. Another reason is that its ending isn't exactly a happy one. Still a third reason is that Universal had trouble trying to promote it in the wake of the huge success of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. The latter reason is obvious: Colossus and Guardian, like HAL in the Kubrick movie, become central characters here. The difference here is that while HAL malfunctions due to a programming conflict, Colossus and Guardian remain all too stable, convinced beyond a doubt that they know how to protect Mankind better than Man himself. As the computers point out: "One inevitable rule is that Mankind is his own worst enemy."
  Joseph Sargent's direction is efficient, and the special effects work of Albert Whitlock still manages to work despite its obvious age. An overlooked gem in the sci-fi genre, this should be given a revival.

连载中 | 1960年月

  十九世纪末,亚历山大-哈特德根(Alexander Hartdegen,盖伊-皮尔斯饰,Guy Pearce)发明了一种时光机器,这种机器可以将他带入80万年以后的未来。在那里,他发现人类已经进化成了二个种族:艾洛伊族(Eloi)和莫洛克斯族(Morlocks)……
  自从威尔斯的小说问世100多年以来,许多事情都变了样,但威尔斯对未来的设想以及时光旅行的概念仍然对观众们具有强烈的诱惑力。本片的制片沃尔特-帕克斯(Walter Parkes)评论说:“时间返回到20世纪60年代初,《海底两万里》和《地心游记》这类影片引发了我们无穷的幻想,而这些影片的祖师爷就是乔治-帕尔(George Pal)执导的1960年版的《时光机器》。今天,我们拥有的技术使我们可以打造出一个H.G.威尔斯曾想像过但制造不出来的世界,这是相当令人振奋的。当然,这个故事的基本情节----亚历山大身着马甲、系着领带、外套夹克,爬进了那个美丽的手工制造的维多利亚式机器,进入未来世界旅行----时至今日仍然像当初一样给人留下深刻的印象。”
  这部新片已经很难让人再产生对H.G.威尔斯的联想了。2002年版《时光机器》的导演是西蒙-威尔斯(Simon Wells),他是作者的曾孙。虽然有着家族的血缘联系,而西蒙-威尔斯却工作在动画界,并小有名气,特别是他还是梦工厂史诗般巨作《埃及王子》的合作导演,这是他第一部给人留下深刻印象的作品。